The Vortex Solo 8x36 monocular also offers multiple anti-reflective coated glass, making it a great addition to outdoor gear. It is lightweight, easy to carry, waterproof, fogproof and shockproof, and its rubber exterior provides a non-slip grip which provides an extra level of protection.
The Vortex Solo 8x36 monocular also has an adjustable eyecup for maximum comfort, as well as a utility clip which allows the monocular to be attached to flat surfaces, vests and pocket edges, and equipment.
Magnification | 8 x |
Objective Lens Diameter | 36 mm |
Eye Relief | 18 mm |
Exit Pupil | 4.5 mm |
Linear Field of View | 393 feet/1000 yards |
Angular Field of View | 7.5 degrees |
Close Focus | 16.4 feet |
Length | 4.9 inches |
Width | 2.6 inches |
Hand Grip Width | 2 inches |
Weight | 9.7 ounces |